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Dec 13

CSW Collaboration Releases Issue Briefs on Financial Security

Integrating financial security services into workforce development programs can achieve more impact without requiring significantly extra cost and time. Corporation for a Skilled Workforce (CSW) and The Financial Clinic (the Clinic) have partnered to analyze the impacts of financial security services on workforce development programs, with results released in four issue briefs.

Download all issue briefs below listen in on the December 12, 2017 virtual briefing, ‘When Is More Not Extra? Effective Strategies for Financial Security.’

Download the full issue brief series. 

Issue Brief #1: Why Should We Integrate? How workforce development organizations have made the case for integrating financial security practices

Issue Brief #2: How Can You Do It? How organizations actually integrate financial security practices

Issue Brief #3: What About Roadblocks? How organizations have overcome challenges of integration

Issue Brief #4: Is the Impact Worth It? How organizations have justified the investment given the rewards

Created in collaboration with The Financial Clinic. The partnership between The Financial Clinic and Corporation for a Skilled Workforce that led to the creation of this report series was made possible by a generous grant from MetLife Foundation.