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Workforce Development
Experts for More
Than 30 Years

Making change in workforce development since 1991. 

At the outset, much of CSW’s work centered on reemployment and retraining strategies for workers being dislocated from their jobs as a result of changing technologies and occupations. As CSW grew, its focus expanded, evolving into its current iteration: envisioning a society in which every person is able to earn a family-sustaining income, achieve upward mobility, and adapt to the future. Today, CSW works nation-wide to catalyze change in educational and labor market systems, developing policies and practices to increase economic mobility, particularly for people of color and others historically excluded from success.

May 1, 1991

CSW begins operations

1991 – 1992

Strategic planning facilitation with private industry councils and counties in MI

1992 – 1994

21st Century Communities – in partnership with JFF, facilitated community collaboratives in Elkhart, IN and Flint, MI to develop lifelong learning strategies and tactics, supported by data analysis.  Funded by the Joyce Foundation.

1993 – 1999

Building Workforce Boards and One-Stop Career Centers – CSW President & CEO Larry Good helped Clinton Administration frame federal expectations. US Department of Labor then issued planning/implementation grants to states to retool their workforce systems, which was codified into the Workforce Investment Act of 1998. CSW provided strategic support for that systems change work in 10 states and 150+ communities and became known as experts on and advocates for high quality workforce boards and one-stop career centers.

1997 – 1998

Study of implementation of WIA and TANF (federal welfare reform) in midwestern states (funded by Joyce Foundation).


Innovators Networks – managed two national networks of leading edge local workforce directors. Co-developed ideas and products, accelerated spread of promising practices, provided peer support for network members.


Benchmarking One-Stop Career Centers – national study done in partnership with 4 IL workforce boards, funded by State of Illinois.  First major study of quality indicators of one-stop career centers.


Benchmarking One-Stop Career Centers – national study done in partnership with 4 IL workforce boards, funded by State of Illinois.  First major study of quality indicators of one-stop career centers.