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The Autism Alliance of Michigan teams up with Corporation for a Skilled Workforce to pursue a moonshot goal 
May 10

The Autism Alliance of Michigan teams up with Corporation for a Skilled Workforce to pursue a moonshot goal 

Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 1, 2023. Corporation for a Skilled Workforce (CSW) will be supporting Autism Alliance of Michigan moonshot goal of increasing competitive employment rates for individuals with disabilities, particularly individuals on the spectrum, by 10%. CSW will conduct a landscape analysis that will include national benchmarking research, business interviews, and 4-6 focus groups. This research will be used to help the Autism Alliance of Michigan create a portfolio of strategies designed to increase a greater acceptance of Autism in the workplace, making Michigan a model state for employment outcomes for this target population. 

Public policies and current hiring practices continue to leave individuals with disabilities behind. According to 2017 ACS data, only 269,156 (37.0%) of Michigan residents with a disability between the ages of 18 and 64 years reported being employed, which is less than half of the employment rate for individuals in Michigan without a disability (77.2%). Some national sources estimate unemployment rates to be in the range of 76-90% for this population 

People with disabilities are more likely to live in poverty than those without disabilities (26.1% v 10.7%) and are twice as likely to be underemployed or working part-time. This inequity impacts their quality of life while leaving numerous employers overlooking a rich talent pool. 

“We plan to change the trajectory of their lives, taking both a top-down and bottom-up approach to remove the chronic, systemic barriers to employment,” explained AAOM President and CEO, Colleen Allen. “This research will help inform our approach to this moonshot goal, including the partners necessary to advance this work, the perceptions and misperception of workplace supports required to position this population for success, and public policy changes that have a proven record of removing barriers to meaningful employment for individuals with disabilities.” 

The landscape analysis and research will result in a report that will be published later this fall. 

About Autism Alliance of Michigan (AAOM): Autism Alliance of Michigan embraces the idea that there is no justice without the inclusion of individuals with disabilities. has embraced this aspect of the civil and human rights movement for years. We were founded with the vision that people with autism will lead lives that meet their greatest potential and lead efforts to raise expectations and expand opportunities for people touched by autism across the lifespan. We have a history of advocating for access to early, life changing therapies; competitive, integrated employment opportunities; affordable, quality direct care support; and safe, affordable housing options for those with the least to the greatest support needs. 

About Corporation for a Skilled Workforce (CSW): CSW is a national workforce policy nonprofit that catalyzes change in educational and labor market systems, policies, and practices to increase economic mobility, particularly for people of color and others historically excluded from success. For more than 30 years, CSW has focused on achieving scalable improvements in worker skills, lifelong learning, and job quality. CSW collaborates with change makers to develop strategies, identify evidence to inform strategies, build the capacity of organizations, manage initiatives, and evaluate lessons learned.