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Apr 12

Announcement on Apprenticeship Expansion

The Omnibus spending bill passed by Congress at the end of March contains $145 Million in new apprenticeship grant funds for the Department of Labor. CSW anticipates the window to apply for these funds will be extremely tight as awards will be made prior to September 30, 2018.

While the specifics of the grant application are not known, the President’s Task Force on Apprenticeship Expansion released their recommendations which include:

1) Creation of what is being termed “Industry Recognized Apprenticeship Programs” that have fewer requirements than the current Registered Apprenticeship standards.
2) Promoting the inclusion of industry recognized credentials into apprenticeship programs.
3) Increased used of online learning, focus on competencies over seat time, and lowering barriers for apprentices to get credit for prior learning.

In addition to incorporating elements from the task force, CSW believes any successful apprenticeship grant application will need a strong foundation with the following elements:

1) Industry at the center of the application with commitments to hire apprentices quickly once the grant is awarded.
2) Labor market demand for the jobs the apprenticeship program will train for at the regional level.
3) Competencies taught during the apprenticeship and the mix of instruction and work based learning required.
4) Key partners including the workforce system, community and technical colleges, labor representation, and relevant state agencies that oversee apprenticeship.

Want to partner with us?

CSW has partnered with the National Governors Association to provide technical assistance to the American Apprenticeship Initiative grantees. Coupled with our 26 years of experience in sector strategies and helping our partners secure Federal grants, we can help your consortia create a successful application.

Contact CSW today to learn about our technical assistance and grant evaluation services. @skilledwork_org

Want to learn more?

American Apprenticeship Initiative

President’s Apprenticeship Expansion Task Force Notes

NGA Apprenticeship Page