Walmart has awarded a $400,000 grant to Corporation for a Skilled Workforce (CSW) on behalf of the Credential As You Go movement led by the Program on Skills, Credentials &... read more →
CSW President & CEO Larry Good was part of a team that presented Alabama's Talent Triad strategy at a policy academy for member states hosted by the National Governors Association... read more →
Corporation for a Skilled Workforce co-founder, President & CEO Larry Good has announced he will retire effective December 31, 2022 after 32 years leading CSW. In tandem, the CSW Board... read more →
Adult education providers have always been on the frontlines of advancing economic mobility and racial equity. But lack of resources is consistently a formidable challenge. For example, in fiscal year... read more →
We are excited to welcome and announce that Taylor McDonald has joined the CSW team as the Communications and Digital Content Manager. Taylor will work in partnership with staff to... read more →
CSW is inspired and excited by the efforts of community-based organizations in its Workforce Benchmarking Network (WBN) who are working to produce more equitable outcomes for participants. In a new... read more →
What value do certifications offer employers and learners? Melissa Goldberg, CSW’s Director of Competencies & Credentials, considers the evidence and offers some answers in a new blog post. In it,... read more →
Funded by Lumina Foundation, CSW has co-published a new five-report series on certifications with partners Workcred and the George Washington Institute of Public Policy. The press release below from Workcred... read more →
We are excited to announce that Alex Breen has joined CSW as a Sr. Policy Associate with the Improving Practices & Outcomes Team. He supports CSW’s efforts to strengthen the capacity... read more →
Partnerships are the cornerstone of the workforce system. In CSW’s latest report for the Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association (PWDA), Senior Policy Associate Alex Afranie breaks down how integrating WIOA and... read more →
Is it really the happiest time of the year? Vickie Choitz, CSW’s Director of Federal, State & Local Systems Change, ponders this question and more in an insightful piece on... read more →
After the economic disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic, states are in need of sustainable, equitable recovery plans. CSW has joined the National Governors Association’s State Equitable Recovery Coalition, along with... read more →