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Moving Beyond the Count

Moving Beyond the Count

Skills2Compete Maryland (S2C Maryland) is a campaign aimed at increasing postsecondary success to strengthen the skills of Maryland’s workforce. The strategy requires aligning diverse public programs so that individuals are given the opportunity to complete a job-relevant vocational credential, an industry certification or academic preparation for a two- or four-year degree that will lead to a middle skill or better job.

This case study offers a summary of how S2C Maryland is doing this, as well as a set of recommendations for next steps based on interviews and an assessment conducted by CSW. In addition to recommendations, this case study summarizes the history of the S2C initiative, including its strategies and processes, offers an assessment of common themes from interviews with members of the Interagency Workforce Committee responsible for jointly implementing the initiative’s goals, and provides further detail on the recommendations and actions needed to reach the S2C goal.

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