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Reinventing One-Stop Career Centers Version 2

Reinventing One-Stop Career Centers Version 2

Millions of at-risk workers need market-relevant post-secondary credentials. It is time for a new public workforce investment model that includes rethinking the purpose and role for One-Stop Career Centers.

In our latest concept paper, we propose reinventing and transforming One-Stop Career Centers into places that engage employers willing to invest in upskilling the workforce support workers willing to engage in a combination of work and learning to gain market-relevant skills and credentials to achieve good paying jobs with career potential.

This paper builds on ideas for reinventing One-Stop Career Centers that we shared last year. After listening to policy leaders, practitioners working in the field, and local Workforce Investment Board directors who are exploring reinvention ideas of their own, we learned more about how the centers need to change to meet the needs of today’s economic realities.

We value your feedback and ideas! Join this discussion by commenting on this page or tweeting your comments using the #reinvent1stops hashtag.

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